God creates the world 
as the place where
we come to know and love
God and each other.

God creates us
to come to know and love
God and each other

God’s purpose in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection
in redemption
the same as
God’s purpose in creation.

Because of the sin
in us in the world
Jesus Christ –
eternal, pre-existent, spirit God –
became flesh and lived among us
so that we could
come to know and love
God and each other
according to God’s purpose in creation.

In time, as we experience it,
creation happens first
then redemption.

God wills both creation and redemption
in eternity
and both have the same purpose.

So, I’m taking pictures for my friends at Living City Farms this season. This means that it is highly likely that I will be posting plant pictures for awhile.

This beauty, for those who don’t recognize it, is an eggplant flower, which will drop off and make way for the eggplant fruit.

I never saw an eggplant flower myself until this week when I caught this shot.

Hope you love it!

It is a means of grace to us for our living-in-the-world.