Building a Good Place and the Non-Profit Dilemma

Many of us believe it is the role of non-profit organizations to make the world a better place.
Building a Good Place and the Non-Profit Dilemma helps us understand
1) what role nonprofit organizations can have in making the world a better place, and
2) what limitations they have.
Both are important to know!

THE WORLD WOULD NOT BE THE SAME without all the wonderful non-profits we have doing all of the good and necessary work that they do.
At the same time, if we rely on them to do work they are not capable of doing, we all experience loss.
Recognizing the limitations of non-profit work both frees and challenges our thinking – and eventually our actions.
We cannot donate or volunteer our way into making our places the Good Places we know they can be apart from the work we do to earn our living.
In addition to highlighting the inherent limitations of non-profit work, Building a Good Place and the Non-Profit Dilemma introduces the concept of the Good Place Organization – one that financially supports itself and its mission by the work it does, whose work builds up Good Places in its community, and that provides its members with opportunities to develop their full potential.