Violence or Peace Part 5

Violence or Peace Part 5

What do we do instead of preparing to respond to violence with violence? First: as individuals, our hearts need to be changed.  Therefore we seek and allow God’s continuing creation to build up love in our hearts and shalom in the world through the way we live....
Violence or Peace Part 4

Violence or Peace Part 4

Instead So, what do we do instead? For the sake of argument let’s just say that we all agree with this analysis of the problem – that violence only leads to more violence and that, for the most part, we have prepared to respond to violence only with more...
Violence or Peace part 3

Violence or Peace part 3

Training for Peace ? The famous Bible passage (Isaiah ch 2) says that the technology used for war will change to be used only to support life, not take it. That passage ends by saying: nor will they train for war anymore. Coaches tell their players, “What...
Violence or Peace – Part 2

Violence or Peace – Part 2

We Get What We Prepare For We prepare for violence and war as responses to violence and war. We don’t prepare for peace. Is it any mystery, then, that violence is increasing and peace is decreasing? As we prepare for more violent responses to violent actions, the...