What is Everything?
Everybody wants to live in a Good Place.

Pretty much everyone will agree that they want to live in a Good Place.
That is a big order, though, so we break down a Good Place into three areas: Communities, Individuals, and Organizations.
In our Communities, we can work to have a shared vision of the Good Place that we want to live and work in, and then engage everybody to build it.
As Individuals, we always want more. If we aren’t aligned to find more in God, we tend to live selfish and destructive lives. God wants to continue creating love in our hearts and peace, balance, wholeness, and health through our living in the world. Our purpose is to seek this work of God in our hearts and through our lives.
We can work in Organizations that 1) support our living in the world, 2) develop our potential and build up who we are as individuals, and 3) help us make our world a better place. We can do all three of these through our work.
After the Introduction, the rest of the Eutopia Book is divided into three section: one on how we can live in Communities, on on how we can live as Individuals, and a third on how we can live at work in Organizations, all with the aim of living in and building up Good Places.

Three pictures this time! Just like we have three areas for building up Good Places.
These three pictures, as different as they seem – sand, rock, sea, actually are all from the same place. Together they make up a very cool place. And they all are related to each other. Hmmm.
Next time we will again have one picture, incorporating the sea, the sand, and the rock cliff in one place, with many other elements as well. Oh, and the text will sort of do the same. 🙂